Immunogen | Functions as a p50 decoy by blocking the intracellular recognition mechanism of p50 NLS. |
Specificity | The p50 NLS inhibitory peptide also contains a protein transduction (PTD) sequence (DRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK) derived from antennapedia which renders the peptide cell permeable.The control peptide consists of only the PTD sequence |
PreparationMethod | Preparation of 5 mM Stock SolutionsPBS* is added directly to the vials to prepare the stock solutions.Note: Bring the solution to room temperature and quick spin the tubes before opening the caps. p50 (NLS)Inhibitor Peptide: 1 mg of DRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKKVQRKRQKLMAdd 57 ul of PBS* to the vial to make a 5 mM stock solution. Mix by vortexing. Aliquot and store at -20C or -80C. Avoid repeated freeze thawing. Control Peptide: 1 mg of DRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKKAdd 84.8 ul PBS* to the vial. Mix by vortexing. Aliquot and store at 20C or -80C. Avoid repeated freeze thawing.Recipe for 1X PBS:1. Dissolve the following in 800ml distilled H2O. - 8g of NaCl- 0.2g of KCl- 1.44g of Na2HPO4- 0.24g of KH2PO42. Adjust pH to 7.5 with HCl.3. Adjust volume to 1L with additional distilled H2O.4. Sterilize by autoclaving |
Content | NF-kB p50 (NLS) Inhibitor peptide: 2 x 1 mg (lyophilized) DRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKKVQRKRQKLM (p50 NLS sequence: VQRKRQKLM). Molecular weight: 3529. Antennapedia Control peptide: 2 x 1 mg (lyophilized) DRQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK. Molecular weight: 2361 |
Gene | NFKB1 |
Application Notes | Inhibition of NF-kB p50(NLS) activity. The inhibitor peptide is designed to block p50 nuclear translocation. Optimal peptide concentrations and incubation times vary between model systems and should be determined empirically by users. A 100 uM final concentration may be a useful starting point. Please refer to Lin et al (1995) for additional information about how the inhibitor peptide has been used to block p50 nuclear translocation. Use in Functional inhibition reported in scientific literature (PMID 24384074) | |
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